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註冊執業護士、註冊護士和執業護士之間的區別 Differences between Registered Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse and Nurse Practitioner

對於許多人來說,這三個術語相當令人困惑。 讓我們看看差異。For many, these three terms are quite confusing. Lets see the differences.

註冊執業護士、註冊護士和執業護士之間的區別 Differences between Registered Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse  and Nurse Practitioner

以下資料, 暫時以英文陳述, 深感抱歉.

"Registered practical nurses (RPNs) are college-taught professionals who use their skills, education, and common sense to assist patients with general or straightforward health conditions. RPNs commonly work in hospitals, schools, clinics, and the community to provide safe and general care to people of all ages. While they study from the same source of knowledge as registered nurses (RN), an RPN can obtain their diploma faster.

There are many RPNs working in Ontario. If your condition is stable, predictable, or non-severe, you’ve likely received care from an RPN in the past.

Like an RPN, a registered nurse (RN) has received several years of schooling and has also earned a four-year bachelor’s degree in nursing from an Ontario university. Registered nurses (RNs) have extensive knowledge in their field, which allows them to help patients with more complex health issues. Registered nurses provide care in many establishments, such as hospitals, emergency crisis centres and ERs, clinics, etc. Registered nurses may also decide to specialize in a field of their own choosing, however, specialization is voluntary. Common RN specializations include neonatal, gerontology, emergency care, and community health.

What fundamentally separates a nurse practitioner (NP) from RPNs or RNs is the amount of schooling they receive. With advanced university degrees, nurse practitioners (NPs) are able to provide independent healthcare services to patients, such as diagnosing complex health problems and prescribing medicine. Nurse practitioners serve their community in hospitals, schools, pharmacies, rehabilitation centres, and home healthcare agencies, to name a few. An NP is responsible for managing chronic diseases, reducing and controlling pain, performing physical check-ups, and treating fractures and dislocations."


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