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ABS 在深雪駕駛中 source:

ABS 如何在深雪駕駛中幫助和傷害您 How ABS helps and may hurt you in snowy roads

ABS 制動系統使您在冬季駕駛時更容易控制汽車,但經過良好校準的人更加可以勝過它。

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交通意外的處理 How to do when car accident happens

加港移民雞精落地揸車 A short course to Hong Kong immigrants who start driving in

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兒童汽車安全座椅第 1 部分 - 安省的法律規定 Child Car Seat Part 1 - The Legal Rules in Ontario

確保您的孩子在駕駛時的安全很重要。It is important to keep your children safe under driving.

Types of car seats

兒童汽車安全座椅第 2 部分 - 不同年齡段汽車座椅的種類 Child Car Seat Part 2 - The Types of Car Seat for Different Ages

選擇適合您孩子的兒童汽車安全座椅或增高座椅 Choosing a child car seat or booster seat to suit your child

兒童汽車安全座椅第 3 部分 - 如何購買兒童汽車安全座椅 Child Car Seat Part 3 - How to buy a child car seat

購買兒童汽車安全座椅時應具備的清單 A checklist you should have when buying a child car seat


加拿大雪胎知識 第一節 Winter Tires in Canada Part 1

那麼是雪胎? What are winter tires?

加拿大雪胎知識 第二節 Winter Tires in Canada Part 2

再進一步認識雪胎 To learn further about winter tires

司機摘要或記錄 Driver’s Abstract or Record

司機摘要或記錄 Driver’s Abstract or Record

什麼是司機摘要或記錄? 以及如何獲得它?What is a Driver’s Abstract or Record? And how it can be acquired?

在安大略更新車牌 To renew licence plate in Ontario

關於從2022年開始更新車牌的新規則 New rules about renewing licence plate from 2022

多倫多機場接送 Picking up and dropping off Toronto Airport

多倫多機場接機或送機的實用少知識 Practical tips about picking up someone or dropping them off Toronto Airport

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